
Showing posts from August, 2020

What You Must Know About Diabetes and stop treatment by medication completely

Diabetes Mellitus is a disease in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin, a hormone that helps the body's tissues absorb glucose (sugar) so it can be used as a source of energy. The condition may also develop if muscle, fat, and liver cells respond poorly to insulin.  In people with diabetes, glucose levels build up in the blood and urine, causing excessive urination, thirst, hunger, and problems with fat and protein metabolism. Diabetes mellitus differs from the less common diabetes insipidus, which is caused by a lack of the hormone vasopressin that controls the amount of urine secreted. Diabetes is most common in adults over 45 years of age; in people who are overweight or physically inactive; in individuals who have an immediate family member with diabetes; and in people of African, Hispanic, and Native American descent. The highest rate of diabetes in the world occurs in Native Americans.  More women than men have been diagnosed with the disease. There are two t...

What To Do When You Just Can’t Lose

I know what it’s like to be stuck. I lost a little weight and then I stopped. I had about 25-30 lbs. To go and nothing was happening. I was exercising, eating healthy, and no more weight loss. Here is how I was able to lose the rest of the weight I wanted to. You can do it too!  1. Rethink your diet. It is time to stop dieting and cutting calories. Avoid quick-fix fad diets. You usually end up gaining more weight when it is over than you weighed when you started. Your goal should be to get healthy. Work towards a lifetime goal of a healthy diet and lifestyle change. And be careful, some foods, such as soy and skim milk, which is marketed as health and diet foods are unhealthy and/or help make you fatter.   2. Eat healthy life-giving foods. Choose healthier organic produce, meats, eggs, and milk products. Get plenty of proteins, to help you build muscle and burn fat.   3. Cut out the bad carbs and processed foods. Avoid the bad carbs– white sugar and white flour. Stay...